Escalators supplies
Escalator type TK65 (ES-01)
Escalator TK65 is designed to operate in metro tunnels with the rise up to 65 meters. Escalator TK65 is designed by Specialized Escalator Design Department (SEDD) of JSC Es-service in 2010, escalator design is implemented in classical heavy-duty Russian style with a scope of modernizations which conforms to the modern requirements in safety, comfort and service possibilities. Escalator demonstration stand is started in September 2011, is exposed to the specialists and management of ex-USSR metros and already has collected positive feedback.
The design of the escalator has the evident benefits if compared with existing tunnel escalators E55T and E75T:
- The weight of the drive TK65 is reduced to 20 tonnes (compared with the drive E55T — 28 tonnes);
- Drive TK65 is 250mm shorter and 250mm lower then E55T drive;
- The distance between axis of main shafts is 4800mm against 6000mm E55T, which is more convenient for service and decrease the requirements to maintenance room;
- Main drive can be installed part by part;
- Reduced weight and size of main electrical motor due to 1000 rpm against 750 rpm in E55T;
- Bearings life-time is longer more than 30% (only SKF and FAG bearings);
- Vertical dimension between step and handrail is increased by 150mm for better ergonomics and comfort of passengers;
- The carnith has the profile which provides 25mm gap between handrail and carnith which prevents fingers from entraping;
- The stiffness of the skirts is increased significantly;
- Skirts are covered by special antifriction coating which prevents shoes and clothes from sidewall entraping;
- Safetystrip deflector brushsystem is installed, brushes are double row fire-retardant, carrier profile is aluminum anodized;
- Step riser is produced with wide ridges which provides narrower gap between steps;
- The auxiliary roller fixing place is enforced, which prevents circle movement of bearings and scraps in the places of welding;
- The place of installation of main roller is implemented with the possibility of repair;
- The diaphragm of the step is increased to 4mm;
- The width of step core is increased to 2mm which makes the step life-time longer and decrease corruption risks;
- Replaceable step minor combs are implemented with the special fixing which decrease step wear from dynamical passenger load;
- Step chains are produced from high-alloy steel with the higher destruction resistance on the same load;
- Diameter of the round details is increased which provides lesser elongation of the chain with the same load;
- The guides of the steps are produced from the special profile which allows to reduce guides weight for 30% and increase stiffness at the same time, taking ledge fixing out of the rollers way;
- Handrail outlets is implemented with the safety switches;
- 92mm handrail is applied with the increase stiffness of the lips;
- The escalator supports are implemented on the amortizators which prevents vibration.
JSC Es-service is ready for the shortest escalators supply against your inquire.
Escalators type ES-02
Escalators type ES-02 is applied for the metro tunnels with the rise up to 45 meters. Escalator ES-02 is designed with narrow dimension between axis with the possibility to install 4 escalators instead of 3 in existent escalator tunnel. ES-02 is designed on the same basic principles as escalator TK65 and has similar benefits if compared with existent analogs.